What Every Event Planner should know about Participant Management

April 22, 20233 min read

Create Value With Participant Management Software

There are many conference management applications designed for this, but they are not all equal. Before you settle on a specific product, make sure the application you choose can capture and manage the many moving parts of planning an event from preparation, execution, and post-event activities.

Instead of using a one-dimensional database of names and personal details, invest in a more robust tool to transform the collected data into an actionable conversion plan. A thoughtfully designed application will deliver customizable data exports for stakeholder reporting and identify lead follow-up potential.

A well-planned event will have a lasting impact on a participant and the resulting engagements will determine its overall success. The pre-planning phase is the most labor-intensive of hosting or exhibiting at an event. Event planners must give each participant an easy and quick way to register for the event, set up travel and hotel information details, view and manage the itinerary. Simultaneously, as the event host, you must have a reliable way to monitor a participant’s registration status, and act as their agent in securing logistical elements such as air travel, car rental, and hotel reservations.

This seemingly routine support of participants will reap many benefits during and after the event. Participants will appreciate how all the details are handled and begin to trust that you can deliver on any need they may have. This is an important first step in demonstrating that you are in tune with participants and have a full understanding of their needs and pain points.

Three Ways To Build Participant Engagement During An Event

Successful event planning does not end when the event starts – it is only just beginning! While participants are present and involved, it is the perfect time for targeted participant engagement. This is challenging due to the sheer sights and sounds of an event vying for the participants’ attention. Use these three approaches to ensure your company is always front and center in the minds of your prospects.

Provide participants a mobile app that includes personal details, scheduled sessions, RSVP status of activities, accommodation reservation references, and event handouts in a digital format for easy reference. This provides you a full picture of participant engagement across the event.

Help participants find activities that interest them, offer to register for them, or use waiting list management to log their interest if an event is already filled.

Include a texting feature on the participant management mobile app so a participant can contact you or your staff immediately if they need assistance with the conference schedule, a ride to their hotel, or confirmation of their registration for an upcoming activity. Having a live person to communicate with and solve their immediate problems will establish you as a dependable resource. Dependability will lead to trust, which can be cultivated into loyalty. This sentiment will put participants at ease and in the right frame of mind to consider doing business with you.

Look what Azavista Participant Management has to offer

After-Event Engagements To Maximize Lead Generation And Crush Your ROI

Now that the preparation and execution of the event are complete, the right conference software will identify next steps. You will possess valuable event metrics in an integrated overview to convert into action items. You will have a complete profile for each participant and be equipped to nurture leads and successfully convert them to customers.

- Export Leads

Use the data contained in the conference management software to create a lead export list. The personal details plus the unique touchpoints of each participant outlines a game plan to systematically nurture leads.

- Segment Leads

You can further categorize participant leads by applying participant segmentation filters. Participant conference management software categorizes data so you can extract highly detailed segments based on participant demographics, industry alignment, event activities attended, interests, etc.

- Enlighten Stakeholders

This data breakdown will also be imperative to the stakeholder reporting required after events and give tangible value to your efforts in organizing the event. Data that is categorized can be measured, delivering a value proposition to investors, management, and other key players.

Using an intuitive, flexible participant management tool will deliver the results you expect from an event, such as contact information, lead generation, and a complete prospect profile to create the trajectory of engagement and conversion.